1871 Boyers Road, Rockingham, VA  22801     540.434.1901     (fax) 540.437.7233     info@kidsharbor.org

Morning Preschool

Our Morning Preschool is open to children 3 and 4 years of age.  We have part time options (2 or 3 days per week) and full time (4 or 5 days per week for this program. This program ends each day at noon.

Our Program provides an opportunity for preschoolers to socialize with children of the same age while learning and growing together.

We have established goals for each age based on developmental milestones and Kindergarten preparation.  We believe a balance of structure, independent play and group activities helps each child reach and obtain these goals.

It is also our privilege to share Christ through songs, scripture, Bible stories and prayer.